Facebook become a part of many people, daily routine for some, and an addiction to many. It was estimated more than 500 million active users and 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day. On this popular social networking site, you don’t only check on what is happening with your friend’s by their status updates, uploaded photos or videos, you can also enjoy using hundreds of applications. These are just a few of the reasons that Facebook is the most popular social networking website.You can find many applications on Facebook that are created for fun, Entertainment, productivity, whether they’re games, or useful.
I have listed few applications, which will interest U
1. Fotoshop
Fotoshop is an online Photoshop like application. By using this software, you can edit your photos for free without installing.
2. SlideShare
SlideShare is an application that lets you share your presentations on your Facebook network.
3. Application Builder
This application lets you create your own Facebook application even without knowledge of any programming language in just few minutes.